Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Brand New Camera!!

Last night the hubs and me went out and bought a Nikon D3100 camera
Totally not necessary
But so awesome.

 Look at me. I'm a frickin' photographer. Taking pictures of myself. In the mirror. Of my bathroom.
 I call this one "Big Head"
This may be a little more accurate. 

Can't wait to start taking "real" pictures...
You know...of cool crap. 


Carmen said...

Nice camera! We just got the same one! I LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

this made me giggle:)

Photo ID Cameras said...

Nice camera , i also tell you
mostly we face the problems in it
Problems in Haier debuted digital cameras
Broken/cracked LCD screen.
Broken Doors, Busted Tabs and Frustrating Design
Photo ID Cameras

소액결제 현금화 said...

Estoy agradecido por el artículo. ¡Muchas gracias! Muy agradecido.