
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This is a problem...

I was over at a friend's house the other day
And while in the bathroom
I happened to see an empty toilet paper roll
in the garbage can.
I don't hoard too many things in my house.
But I do hoard toilet paper tubes

So I grabbed it
And shoved it in my pocket
And pretended like it never happened.

When I got home, I added it to my collection.
There is something wrong with me....


  1. haha thats funny! I always like the paper towel rolls..they just look so nice! Rather than throwing them away, I give them to the kids to play with as "telescopes" and what not. They love it! :)

  2. Not crazy at all!! It's a perfect rool not one with tp stuck to it like some ya know. I like to make pretty flowers with them. So no your not crazy at all!!

  3. Ha that is funny, thanks I needed a good laugh.

  4. OMG AHAHAHAHAAHA! What do you DO with all your toilet paper rolls?!

    And thank you for sharing this. I needed a good laugh this afternoon :)

  5. Ok so I'm just a blog stalker (and have completely forgotten how it is that I came across your blog) so I don't usually comment, but I just had to say that I collect toilet paper rolls too!!! And I always have to fight the urge to snag them from friend's houses too :) My problem is that I usually just don't have anywhere to stash them :D hooray for being hoarders! they're just so useful, you can't resist :D

  6. haha... instead of toilet paper rolls I horde tissue boxes. I think it's the teacher in us :-)

  7. Tis a very small collection.. we are collecting them too ~ to make compostable, biodegradable seeding pots for the school garden...what are you doing with yours? something far more exciting I am sure.

  8. hahaha! I've always thought about it...but never actually taken one. I should next time, just because you've helped me get the motivation to do so!! haha :)

  9. Haha! When i first saw that pic it looked like they were in a fridge! now that would be weird...x

  10. Lol! You're so funny. I do the same thing at work in the recycling bin. I grab cool bottles and bottle caps. They all think I'm crazy.

  11. Bwahaha! I love it! I have these urges too, but *usually* manage to resist. Right now I have this image in my head of *shifty eyes* *snatch roll* *run*

    (+1 Claire - I thought so too!)

  12. There are lots of really nice things I've seen on blogs made with the tubes... don't belittle yourself for your collection... it is better to repurpose and express your creativity with them, than to throw them into the landfill! I say "GOOD FOR YOU". Higher and better use. Atta girl!

  13. I have done that before. Right at this moment in my work drawer I have burned out light bulbs and empty tuna cans. I just know I can make something out of them.

  14. Dude, just say something and I'll start saving them for you! In fact, I think I still have a few heavy-duty rolls from tulle left in my closet. If I do, they're yours!

  15. i am laughing SO HARD right now because i don't hoard many things either, but you should see my bathroom closet! my husband thinks i'm nuts, but i know better! you are too funny - love your blog!

  16. holy bah-jesus! WE DO THIS!!!! LOL. I mean, in fairness, I'm the MOM of a TOT (2 1/2), and we do crafts with them, all-the-time! :) hahahaha! i love your blog!

  17. Seriously though. What ARE you going to do with them??? You should learn how to do this:

    or this:


  18. I made cable cars with them with the kids once. I hung some string under the bar area and they moved the cars back and forth on the string after they decorated them. Also make cute binoculars for little ones and a thousand other goofy crafts. Too funny!

  19. Hey Cami! I'm a new follower!! You're so crafty and by the way, hilarious too!! :) I'm pretty new to blogging so was you have an email subscription thingy? I think I somehow subscribed by the "Google Reader", but.....not sure how to pull that up now?! Anyways, I too was looked at as being weird when I was begging everyone to bring me their empty papertowel rolls before Valentines' Day! Of course you'll see why on my blog what I used them for, but there is nothing WRONG with you at all! :) I'm still collecting them and my hubby says "What the heck for?" And I simply say, "well I dunno yet, but I'll make something out of them!"....hence he just rolls his eyes and laughs!


  20. Cami, I completely understand. I've been saving them since the first of the year thinking they would be good little packages for gifts. I even considered grabbing them from work. There were so many that I ran out of room. Just yesterday I tossed them all in the recycle bin. I figure I can start over if I need to.


  21. I also collect rolls. I already use 2 places in 2 rooms to keep them without having figured out what to create.


Thanks for your comments. You guys are seriously the best!