
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Glue Gun Love.

Okay...I love my glue gun
I may be a little obsessed. 

I've even took it on a weekend getaway over New Years with my husband

I hid it at the bottom of my backpack.
Just in case

My husband wasn't even surprised...
In fact, I think he half expected it.

The thing he doesn't love is all of the dried glue I leave on the counter.
Sometimes I'm too lazy to grab something to put under the glue gun. (uhhh...common theme?)

 So I went to Joann's and bought this today:

I love it!
My husband loves it!
My counters love it!

How did I ever live without this little $5.99 wonder?


  1. I must go buy one rather later today. My desk will be so happy with me.

  2. After about 30 years of ruining everything with glue, I started using a pie tin. That pad is probably better, but I'm too cheap to spend $5.99.

  3. Hahahaha. what a cute little heart :)

    i need to invest in one of these mats...

  4. Oh my goodness! I finally found someone as obsessed as me! I made a heart very simialar to that yesterday - only smaller, about the size of my pinkie nail! did you know that if you color hotglue with a blue sharpie it looks like blue glass? that's what I did w/ my heart, I was thinking it might look cool on a ring... lol

  5. JoAnn's here I come! I need one of these for sure!

  6. I didn't know there was such a thing. I'm sure my husband would appreciate my using one of these. Probably not my daughter, though. She actually likes picking the old pieces up and taking them to the trash one by one. Strange, I know, but she's a quirky five year old.

  7. I use a little Flexible cutting board, that I got for free, in the mail, years ago.....

    It works pretty well! And did i mention it was FREE???

    I stumbled upon your blog through a linky party on another blog.......and I love it! :)


Thanks for your comments. You guys are seriously the best!