
Friday, February 25, 2011

Double Dream Hands

So my husband is on a Scouting Camp out 
They are sleeping in thank you.

So I made a video
a dance video
the BEST dance video ever
Based on THIS awesome video
Because I am soooooo bored. 

I hope you love it...or at least I hope you don't think I am a total nerd after watching...okay...I may be just a tad nerdy. Only a tad though.
(If you don't want to listen to my ramblings...just jump to minute 1:28 that's where the real dancing starts)

Sorry about my recent (as in today...) hiatus from crafting. I'll get back to tomorrow...or maybe Monday. Just depends on my boredom levels. I really need kids...


  1. I will do a dance for you on my blog. I will.

    Ok, you may be a crappy dancer, but you are sure good at following instructions. So basically, this was awesome. And up. And left arm. Wow. You're unbeatable.

  2. That was totally ligit! I don't have a blog... I just blog stalk everyone else :)... I do dance to Just Dance 2 with my three boys (ages 7,3,1) and sometimes they get in my way I am have jacked them in the head not realizing they were beind me. Now my oldest son says... "clear the way, Moms dancing and you dont want a black eye!"...that always makes me feel great :)

  3. Haha Missy...I know what you mean! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that game. I look like a goof ball...but I'm okay with that.

  4. way to go!
    you should come link up to my "vlogging" party! -

  5. This is AMAZING!!!! I love it! I want to be friends with you in real life! and your email was way weird and that guy or whoever takes life WAY too seriously. I want to make one now. Maybe I will put on my hip hop cardio and video that and post it up!

  6. This was awesome! I just posted a video at Mandy from Sugar Bee's vlogging party and I mentioned in it how I love to make up dances and maybe one day I would post them on my blog, but then took it back because thats just way too embarrassing. But you've inspired me, if you can dance on a blog, maybe I can too!

  7. Haha this is awesome! I remember when I watched the original video a couple weeks ago and thinking "wow, I would never be that coordinate"

    Great job!!!

    (Sorry - I am WAY too embarrassed to EVER post a video of myself dancing!)

  8. this makes you my absolute hero. OF EVER. and also that i decided we should go ahead and be friends. and if you remove this video i will CRY more tears than there are rain drops in portland where i live (see, see how i just dropped that in there so you could see we're not terribly far away from each other, and so, after passing a battery of tests to prove to you that i am awesome and not at all creepy stalker-ish, we could totes be valid buddies.)

  9. You are too awesome! I actually danced competitively for 14 years and I don't think I could get the nerve to do this on my blog. You are my hero!

  10. This is so awesome! Thanks for sharing! :) Oh, and there was a post in my google reader about the kid from high school that emailed you? Did you take it down? Anyway, yes, that was weird. Jealous boys are really annoying :)

  11. HAHAHA! Aren't moms the BEST at guilt trips?! ;)

  12. This is my first time to your blog .... and your dance ... Seriously ..... was toatally AWESOME! I love it ... To see people have fun ... Keep it up. I love all your crafts ... you are so talented! Have a fantastic day and KEEP BLOGGING!

  13. You are so hilarious! in a good way. honestly. I could never be this coordinated. Do you know the Cha Cha Slide? That's more my speed.

  14. That TOTALLY just made my day! I'm NOT going to do it- I can't lie- but you are SERIOUSLY AWESOME. =)


Thanks for your comments. You guys are seriously the best!