
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

25 Homemade Gifts Under 5 Dollars

You flipping HAVE to check out these gift tutorials!!
Every single one of them is cheap
Every single one of them is easy
Every single one of them is freaking adorable...

Ummm...I'm going to be making ALL of these. 
Okay, maybe not ALL tomorrow... I have a baby who enjoys eating and getting her diaper changed every once in a while. 


Mom Blogs

I know this is a crafting blog...well...kinda. I'm not the best at staying on subject. 
I'm also not the best at eating healthy...seriously, I seven Snickerdoodles in a row yesterday. SEVEN!
What did I tell ya? Off topic again. 

ANYwho, in honor of becoming a new mom,
I wanted to share with you three of my favorite Mom Blogs
Because you probably don't waste enough time already on the internet...

The first one is 71 Toes, written by the ever talented Shawni. The reason I love her blog, is she gives amazing parenting advice for raising well rounded children. I hope to be the kind of mother she is!

The second blog is My Mix of Six written by Shauna. I LOVE this blog, because she has so many amazing family ideas. Everytime I read her blog, I think "I want to do that with MY family..."

The last one is a blog called Mikey and Paigey. The reason I love this blog, is that Paige is in the same stage as me...just starting out. She is so artistic, and takes amazing photographs. You have to check out her Pregnancy photo series

So those are my 3 favorite mom blogs
I know this is pathetic, but I love them so much that I've even had dreams about hanging out with those moms. Creepy much??
So is anyone else creepy like me? What's your favorite mom blog?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mama Jama

I may be new to this whole "mom" thing, but I'm loving it. 
I love the boogers, and milk crusties all over Zoey's face.
I love her baby grunts at 4 in the morning (the girl sound like a broken machine gun)
I even love when she blows out her diapers...
call me crazy, but I think it's funny wiping poop off her back.


I am soaking up every second of life right now. 
Because she's already 2 weeks old... and I'm not gonna get this time back. 

In other news, I am 5 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight
Yeah, go ahead and hate on me.
Heck, you can even throw a brick through my window...I would if I were you...

Oh, and thanks for all of your sweet comments in the last few weeks!!
 I've read every one, and I just wanted to thank you for all your kind words of support!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Shell Stitch Beanie

I'm always on the lookout for great FREE crochet patterns, and I happened upon this one the other day over at The Dainty Daisy

I immediately made one for Zoey...
and my friend's daughter...
Heck, I might even make a few more before the day is done. 
Go check it out, and don't forget to tell her thanks!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I am so excited
after 9 months of waiting
to introduce to you
the most beautifully perfect baby in the history of babies
(No, I'm not biased...this is just a fact!)

I've only known her for a few hours 
but here's what I do know about her

When she starts crying, all you have to do is touch her, and she'll stop
She likes to be swaddled tightly
When she's hungry, she starts opening her mouth like she's eating a hamburger...even in her sleep
She's pretty good at eating, and snorts while she does it

And the last thing I know about her is she has a mom that can't get over how amazing she is.
Welcome to the world Zoey.
I can't wait to show you all the cool stuff here.