
Monday, October 31, 2011


My sweet baby decided that she likes candy so much, she wants to be born on Halloween!
She hasn't made her grande arrival just yet, but she sure is making her impending presence known. 
I now know why labor is called "labor"
It's because it hurts like no flippin other!!
Last pre-baby prego photo 38 weeks 5 days
So, in my ever cop-out nature (yeah, I'm okay with myself)
I got the drugs!!
Oh sweet heavenly epidural. 
I love you so much. 
Seriously, if a drug could win an award, you'd get it. 
Hands down.
Also awesome? Ice chips.
Me on drugs. So nice. 
Alright Zoey...You hurry up now...we're excited to meet you
and I'm sure you're curious about the crazy voices you keep hearing. 
(Don't's just us...and we're only a little crazy.)


From the Magic 8 Ball

Yeah...My costume is super intricate. 
Better than my husband...he's Indiana Jones...
Every year.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

RIP Glue Gun - I loved you the most.

The other night, I was glue gunning to my little heart's content
When all of a sudden
A burst of sparks, flames, and heat came SHOOTING out of my glue gun! 
For a fraction of a second, my entire living room lit up. 

I screamed and quickly threw the glue gun from my hands...
I wasn't electrocuted...or even burned...It just scared the crap out of me!
I had NO clue that could even happen. 

The glue gun was seriously FRIED
If you shake the cord, it sounds like a rattle. 
Needless to say, it's home is now the trashcan. 

Don't believe me? Here's a picture of the aftermath...
It's a good thing I have 3 back-ups...

Friday, October 28, 2011

A Baby "Shower"!

I have some amazing people in my life. 
Two months ago, my husband and I moved apartments
and started attending a different church congregation

Although they hardly know me, they decided to throw me a baby shower.
I know. I have amazing people in my life.
I couldn't get over how cute everything turned out! 

Did you look at those cupcakes!?
cute, right!

And did you notice all of the fun "shower" decor?
Seriously amazing

I had a blast, and felt lucky to get to know so many awesomely crafty women!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Owl Nursery Mobile!!

I must say, sometimes I impress myself.
(I know I know...I am ever-so humble)

I have wanted to make a mobile for some time...
Not only because mobiles are expensive,
but because why not?

Three Fun Facts about this Project
1. I didn't have cotton I used toilet paper.
2. I spent a total of 5 bucks on this. Yeah. I'm cheap.
3. My glue gun blew up during this project...Seriously. 
I'm talking flames, flash, boom, the whole deal. I'll have to tell you about it later. 
I may have peed my pants a little...

So what do you think?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tutu Tutorial

I took ballet growing up.
I thought the word "derrière" meant underwear
Every time the dance teacher said "tuck in your derrière",
I thought she meant my underwear was sticking out, 
so I'd shove it back under my leotard

Out of frustration, I stopped wearing underwear under my leotard all together
That week, when the dance teacher said "Tuck in your derrière!" I yelled 
"I'm not wearing any!"
It wasn't for years that I found out it really meant butt...

Hopefully my daughter has more success with dance than I did. 
Time: 20 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Cost: $3-5 each (You can make 2 out of the materials)

 1 - 2 rolls of Tulle (Mine are 25 yard rolls from Joanne's Wedding section)
3/4 inch Elastic
Stuff to sew the band

Step 1: The band
Measure you waist, and then cut the elastic 2-4 inches smaller than your waist (It will stretch out with the toole!). I cut it about 12 inches for a newborn. Overlap the edges, and sew. 
Step 2: Tulle
Cut your tulle into 16 inch long strips. For each "knot", you will need 3 strips (I used 2 pink and 1 white). Lay all 3 strips on top of one another, and fold in half. With the elastic around something (I used a vase to hold it...), slip your tulle under forming a loop at the top. Slip the bottom of the tulle through the loop. Pull to tighten. Continue this until your skirt is "full" (For my newborn skirt, it took 18 knots)
And that's it! If you'd like to add a bow, or embellishments, 
go right on ahead.
Me? I'm gonna leave mine simple.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Instant Nursing Cover Strap Tutorial

One thing with babies
Is they eat...ALL THE TIME
Once I saw this lady trying to cover up with a blanket while nursing at a restaurant
The baby up and ripped that blanket off her face, giving everyone quite the show. 
So I made this...because I may be outgoing...but not THAT outgoing. 

Difficulty: Easy
Time: 5 minutes
Cost: Less than 5 dollars

Suspender Clips
Glue Gun
Fabric (optional for embellishments)

Step 1: Cut a 20 inch piece of ribbon 

Step 2: Glue around Suspender Clip

Step 3: Glue on Embellishment (Don't glue it too high, or clip won't open)
And you're done. Seriously...5 minutes...and most of that time is 
waiting for the glue gun to heat up.
Now you don't have to worry about being an exhibitionist... 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

25 Years...

October 19th...
You know what that means?
I'm officially a quarter of a century old.
I may be older...

But my maturity is only going downhill.
To celebrate I may go rent a car...or adjust my insurance premiums
Living on the edge my on the edge. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Brand New Camera!!

Last night the hubs and me went out and bought a Nikon D3100 camera
Totally not necessary
But so awesome.

 Look at me. I'm a frickin' photographer. Taking pictures of myself. In the mirror. Of my bathroom.
 I call this one "Big Head"
This may be a little more accurate. 

Can't wait to start taking "real" pictures...
You know...of cool crap. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dutch Baby Pancakes Recipe

I am a terrible cookI mean TERRIBLE.
Just ask my husband... he eats cereal for dinner 3-4 times a week.  

But this recipe is SO delicious SO easy and SO cheap...
even the cooking challenged can make it work.
This is a dinner staple in our house (and cereal apparently...)

Dutch Baby Pancakes
Recipe from Grace Struiksma

1/3 cup butter
4 eggs
1 cup flour
1 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla
dash of nutmeg

Cut butter into smaller pieces in a 9x13 pan. 
Place in 400 degree oven until the butter is melted and sizzling. 
Combine remaining ingredients in a blender or food processor and churn until well mixed. 
Pour into sizzling butter and replace in oven. 
Bake 20-25 minutes. 
The Dutch Baby will be browned on the bottom and sides (it looks like it'll overflow!), 
and the "puff" will sink after it's taken out of the oven. 
Cut into squares, spread your favorite jam on top and enjoy!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Nursery Reveal... on a dime

We've been hard at work...
My goal was to create a cute nursery for Zoey on a dime
Without painting AND without overly spending.
I can't even begin to express how happy I am with how it came out...

Guest Futon
Wall Decals - Target 17.99
Tissue Puff Balls - $3 for supplies
Canvas - $24.99 Target
Pillow - $5.00 London market
Futon - We've had it for a while

Frame - Free (re purposed)
Lamp - $19.99 Target
Accessories - Free (Gifts)
Owl Pillow - $16.99 Target
Headband - Free (Yeah, I made that crap)

Boppy Pillow - Free (Borrowed from a friend)
Boppy Cover - $12.99 Target
Quilt Fabric - $42.00 Joanne's 
Crib/Mattress - Free (Given to us by a friend)

Changing Table and Closet
Swing - Free (Borrowed from a friend)
Owl Blanket - $4 fabric from Joanne's (Black Friday...)

Changing Table Dresser/Pad - $45.00 Garage Sale
Changing Table Cover - Free (From a friend)

Wall Decals
Wall Decal Pack - $17.99 Target
Total Cost of Nursery...

Total Number of Gift Cards...


Craziness, right?!

We are definitely blessed to have great friends who have given us gift cards, hand me downs and borrowed baby stuff!! 

I am SO excited for Zoey to see her new room...